Topics to take your finances to the next level

Level 1 topics help you to break out of struggle. The focus of these topics is to give direction on how to meet your basic needs and stay encouraged as you face fear, anxiety and setbacks to never struggle again. 

Level 2 topics help you to have more than the paycheck to paycheck survive mode. The focus of these topics is to help you learn to save, prioritize your expenses and take control of your debt. 

Level 3 topics help you to increase your income, live debt-free and strive for personal growth. You’ll learn that your greatest asset is your seeds of greatness – skills, talents – that can help you have the income that will help you reach your goals. 

Level 4 topics help you to secure your income, prepare for retirement and lead others. Even if you have a significant income stream you have to ensure you have a financial safety net and taking the next step to go to the Surplus Level. 

Level 5 topics helps you to understand that you can leave a legacy of goodness by showing others how they can become successful. Go past your success and begin living a life of significance. 

Welcome Financial Champions!

We are Israel and Monica Silva. We want to help you take your finances to the next level with content, community and challenge activities. We’re here to support you on your journey!

There are 5 Financial Levels and the topics listed are focused on lifting you to the next level.